Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate). The prostate gland is an auxiliary part of the male reproductive organs. It is tucked neatly around the neck of the bladder, just below the body of that organ; the urethra, or urinary tube, passes through the prostate. Due to its location around the urethra, the prostate gland, when enlarged, blocks the flow of urine to a greater or lesser extent.
Prostate enlargement is fairly common in men over the age of 35. A large number of men over 50 years of age have more or less pronounced ulceration of the part of the gland adjacent to the urethra. Many of the diseases of older men are actually only a consequence of diseases of the genitourinary system, the primary of which is inflammation of the prostate gland.
More prone to prostate enlargement are obese men with a large belly and men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, since both disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic region; as a result, stagnation of blood is formed, which can cause an enlarged prostate.
As the gland enlarges, the amount of retained urine increases, which poisons the body over time.
Prostatitis occurs due to the introduction of an infection, most often from the urethra when it is inflamed, in particular with gonorrhea, urethritis, less often as a complication of common infections (tonsillitis, influenza, tuberculosis). Predisposing factors - local hypothermia, especially sitting on damp ground, sexual dysfunction - sexual excesses, sedentary lifestyle. Since the patient, as a rule, pays little attention to these aspects of life, the disease progresses.
Satisfactory treatment of prostatitis is not yet known. Operations to remove the gland or part of it, injections to reduce the gland in many cases are unsatisfactory. It is necessary to eliminate the cause and, first of all, change the lifestyle itself.
With all the skill of the surgeon, the operation is a slight relief. It does not exclude the causes of the disease, does not restore health. Once enlarged, the prostate tends to enlarge again. Overeating, nervous excitement, overwork at work, sexual excesses, etc. contribute to its rapid increase. Tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol and other stimulants give the same effect.
Prostatitis acute and chronic, symptoms
Symptoms of acute prostatitis, fever, frequent urination with pain, burning of the perineum, weakening of the pressure of the urine stream, pain in the rectum during defecation. In the stage of purulent inflammation, spontaneous opening of the abscess and the outflow of pus from the urethra or rectum are possible. Treatment is carried out by a doctor. In some cases, surgery is required. Untimely access to a doctor can lead to serious consequences - the spread of infection to surrounding organs and tissues, the occurrence of sepsis (blood poisoning), the transition of the disease to a chronic form, which can cause significant dysfunction of the genital organs - impotence, infertility.
Chronic prostatitis is characterized by a long course with periods of exacerbation and apparent recovery; manifested by burning in the urethra, in the perineum, scanty discharge from the urethra at the end of the act of urination or defecation, increased fatigue, irritability. Avoid spicy foods and alcoholic beverages. During an exacerbation of prostatitis, sexual activity is excluded.
It is necessary to monitor regular bowel movements.
Physical activity is recommended for people who work mainly in a sitting position, including walking, playing sports - running, swimming, playing tennis, etc.
Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies
Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies is not inferior to modern medicine at all, and can significantly improve the patient's condition. Below are the available folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis, as well as folk methods and tips.
- Treatment of prostatitis with a decoction of the red root. 25 gr. crushed root pour 1 liter. boiling water, insist 1 hour in a thermos and drink as tea 3 times a day before meals, 1/3 cup. Can be consumed with honey and milk. This tea is the best of traditional medicine for prostatitis. Also, tea helps the body cope with many infectious diseases (ARVI, influenza, sinusitis, etc. ), and it simply has a pleasant taste.
- Treatment with tincture (balm) from the red root. 50 g of dry raw materials insist on 450 ml of 30-40 degree vodka for 7-10 days in a dark place at room temperature. Then strain the tincture, and the balm is ready for use, drink from 0. 5 tsp. up to 3 tsp2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, adding to a glass of herbal or green tea, in the evening 3 hours before bedtime. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months, after a break of 1 month, the course can be repeated. It is recommended to conduct from 2 to 4 courses per year.
- Treatment for prostatitis with asparagus juice. Juice can be drunk as much as it is drunk with pleasure, without forcing yourself. As a general rule, you need to drink at least 600 ml per day to get noticeable results.
- Treatment with own urine. In the initial stage of the disease, when the prostate is enlarged, compresses the ureter and prevents the outflow of urine, it can be recommended to take 0. 25 liters of your urine in the morning. Then at the usual time there should be breakfast, but less plentiful than before. Continue treatment for at least a month.
- Treatment of chronic prostatitis with propolis. To prepare an extract of propolis, 40 g of propolis should be evaporated in 200 ml of 969 alcohol. Then take 0. 1 g of propolis extract and 2 g of cocoa butter. From this mixture, prepare suppositories that must be injected into the rectum 1 time per day in the evening. The course of treatment is 2-3 times for 30 days with breaks of 1-2 months.
- A decoction of goose cinquefoil herb in milk. Considered a strong diuretic; apply for nephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, prostatitis.
- parsley, seeds
- The seeds are ground into a powder. Pour four teaspoons of the powder with 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-6 times a day.
- Cold-prepared infusion Steep one teaspoon of seeds in 1 glass of water for 8 hours. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Take with inflammation of the prostate gland.
- Fasting treatment
- With obesity and prostate enlargement, fasting is recommended. But fasting only provides temporary relief if lifestyle changes are not made. A short fast is certainly not enough to significantly reduce the size of the prostate. When fasting, urination is facilitated and some discomfort is removed.
- At the initial stage of prostatitis, one or two days of fasting is usually enough to restore normal urine flow. This procedure may be repeated from time to time as needed. If the lifestyle remains unchanged, fasting brings little relief.
- Recipes from Vanga's dictionary
- "Finely grind the coal from the burnt linden, brew it like coffee, and drink it for 7 days in a row. "
- Potentilla erectus tincture - 10 ml, cinchona complex tincture - 10 ml, soapwort tincture - 10 ml, mistletoe tincture - 20 ml. Take with an increase in the size of the prostate, 30 - 50 drops 3 times a day.
The constant use of animal protein overloads the kidneys and other excretory organs, resulting in less and less uric acid being excreted from the body and, accordingly, more of it being absorbed by the muscles. This condition is one of the causes of prostate disease. In this case, asparagus juice helps well along with carrot, beet and cucumber juices.
How can you reduce your risk of prostatitis?
The risk of prostatitis can be reduced with the help of burdock root by including it in the diet. Prostatitis - no matter if it is acute or chronic - can drastically reduce the quality of life of any man. However, the risk of disease can be reduced. To do this, include burdock root in your diet. It contains essential oils, vitamins, inulin, tannins, protein, fatty acids and more than a dozen different trace elements. A plant with such a set is able to fight back many ailments, including prostatitis.
To maximize the benefits, the root must be properly harvested. This should be done in the fall away from busy highways, landfills, railways. The underground part should be dug out, washed and, wrapped in a plastic bag, placed in the refrigerator. There it can be stored for a long time. Application is not difficult: the root should be grated and added to the first, second courses or salads.